Friday, September 17, 2010

Glittens Instructable

After a couple of re-do's, I successfully made my son some glittens :)  He wanted them to be longer than normal and I like how that turned out. He's thrilled, I'm exhausted lol  My biggest tip is make sure the stretch is going in the right direction, width not length. That made allllllll the difference ;)  I will definitely be making Skinny a pair of these and of course myself some too. Maybe tomorrow...

(also please ignore my not quite all the way painted wall) :D

It's a new day...

Actually I'm done waiting :)  I give up. As my dear friend Adam told me, stop fooling yourself into thinking you need a man to be happy, you're smarter than that. Point taken. Finally. So instead, I'll focus on my list(s) here and decide what I want to be when I grow up. Just last week I had posted on FB that I finally knew what I wanted to do with my life. 

Oh sweet relief! Oh blessed happy day! 

The plan was to do marketing/advertising for a non-profit (the dream was this one) buy land in southern Colorado and build an earthship. Sweet right? 

Well then this week I began training to volunteer as a docent for the semi-local zoo (30ish miles away) and I forgot how much I love biology and learning about animals etc. My childhood came rushing back to me. A time when I wanted to be pretty much anything as long as it was working with animals. Usually not a vet though, even then I knew I didn't want to go to school that long. Or handle a scalpel. So I'm back to where I was as a kid.  The problem comes in (and why I veered toward a liberal arts major...) was that I super suck at math. ditto for chemistry. There's more than just a little math and chemistry for a biology major.There are of course tutors and such but I'd likely be spending a lot of time at the school, which again is over 30 miles away. And then even if I get past that, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up... a zookeeper?? ... ... ... well, maybe actually... :D The point is that this could possibly change all my plans, even the earthship. So... I'm not really sure. I need to do some soul searching here. Fairly quickly because I'll need to register for spring semester before long :)

I'll get back to you. Soon I hope.

... and I do in fact plan on working on the lists. Really. :)

Oh. I'm going to also try and post daily and include the 5 things I'm grateful for each day. Thanks again DuckieSteph for the inspiration :) So here goes 1) The awesome opportunity to become a docent, whether or not it possibly screwed up all my other plans and gave me a headache :) 2) As my momma was so kind to point out, the fact that I have the freedom to choose what I want to be when I grow up. 3) Chocolate icecream with gummy bears, you know, to cure the headache. 4) Possibly finding a home for Zoe, while it makes me sad, I know she'll be much happier and safer. 5) That it's Friday!  

Sunday, September 12, 2010


So I just got a brand new sewing machine for helping my neighbor clean out her room. Good deal! Now I can get started on a bunch of those sewing instructables :D  More to come!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dreadtastic baby!

I <3 new baby dreadies! They need a lot of TLC to make them nice and tight, right now they're fluffy and wild :)

I also made root beer the other day, but it wasn't great... so I'm not crossing it off until I perfect it :)